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Climate Change Risk Management service | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Explore our guides that’ll help you make climate change part of your risk conversation.
How can risk management help you create and protect value? | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Managing risk will increase the chance that we meet our objectives that helps us to create and protect value of our organisation.
Managing claims | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Putting in place the frameworks and processes for managing claims.
The link between organisational performance and risk maturity | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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A strong risk management framework and appetite fosters good decision-making culture to improve your organisation’s performance.
Case study: Gordon Institute of TAFE | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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The Gordon Institute of TAFE, remains vigilant about cyber security and is constantly looking for ways to protect the organisation against attacks.
Victorian Government launches new Cyber Strategy 2021 | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Greater cyber resilience, support for local business and a more competitive cyber sector are the focus of the Victorian Government’s $50m Cyber Strategy 2021.
Future-proof: Risk & Insurance eNewsletter October 2020 | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Welcome to Future- proof – our risk and insurance eNewsletter, designed to keep you informed of latest news, trends and insights.
Clinical Communiqué April 2020 | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Clinical Communiqué is an electronic publication of case studies, written by clinicians, for clinicians.
Eastern Health success story
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The success story of how the Patient Experience model has impacted both staff and patients.
Inside the huddle | Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
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Short meetings have had a big impact at The Royal Children's Hospital.